UBE runs locally but not on Server using SOE MBF



I have created a custom UBE that updates shipment information for a sales order line and other corresponding tables with information from a third-party product.

The UBE that I have created runs great locally, but when I submit it on the Enterprise Server it does not run properly. The server logs do not give me very much information on why the UBE won't run there. I know that the begin doc call receives and error.

Are there bsfns that exist locally but not on the server that it might be trying to access? Are there Server settings that need to be in place before the Sales Order Entry Master Business Functions will execute properly?

Any help you might have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.
This could be tons of stuff.

1. Yes there could be some strange OCM mappings for a BSFN. I know my
developers get themselves in this fix all the time. They ask me to
"temporarily" map this, that or the other thing to LOCAL for them and then
we move their stuff into PY and low and behold it doesn't work on the

2. Did you make sure to include the version in a server package?

3. You could try doing a full build and deploying that. This fixes a lot of
"version" issues for us especially with UBE's that call other UBE's.

4. Where are you getting this info from the third-party product. You sure
your server has access to the tables. Could be a permissions thing.

Hope this gives you a few ideas to look. Good luck.

Mark Siebenschuh

Mark Siebenschuh
HP9000/Oracle 8.0.5/JDE XE/Lots of Citrix
Hi Mark.

I hate to ask the obvious, but did you create an update
server package and deploy the UBE to your enterprise server
before you attempted to submit it ?
And if so, did the package also contain any new custom tables required by
the UBE.

I know that's the simple solution, but you wouldn't be the first.
Also, it helps the list to help you, when you include your OW configuration
at the bottom of your post.

Hope you have success soon ;>)

OneWorld Xe 7.333, SP 13, AS/400, NT.