Should have been a simple date problem..


Well Known Member

I am having a lovely time trying to get JDE to print dates in a very specific format. My users are MDY.

I need cheques (R04572) to print MM DD YYYY. Currently the month of june looks like 6/13/2007. That's not ideal.

When I switch the user profile to MDE (4 digit year) I get 06/13/2007. This is ideal, except for annoying my user who has to use a new date format. I could then substring away reliably and off I would go.

I've looked into B9800460, B0800208, without satisfactory results. I looked into the .c code and it was equally cryptic.

Does anyone have a solution to this dilemma? I would appreciate your help.


Hi Morglum,

I am not sure that i understood your requirement clearly. If your issue is to convert a date with single digit month (6/07/2007) to a date with two digit month (06/07/2007), then use the BSFN "B0800208: ConvertStringDateToDateFormat" with input mask as " MSDSE".

Hope this works with you

Good luck!!
Hi Morglum,

You can easily solve this task with some ER line, using the Date and String functions and type conversion via assignment through Expression Editor window.

By the way, we had wrote our "Convert Date to String Flexible" business function many years ago, still on B7321 and it solved all of this type of problem for us up to now in all interface application.

We also had wrote our:
Convert String to Date Flexible
Convert String to Numeric Flexible
BSFNs too.


take a look in system folder to find .H, in one of them you will find the string time.h and after that the code to use to format the date as you want.
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