Setting G/L Date to prior periods


There are occasions where we need to set the G/L date back to a prior period to make quarterly legal entries or corrections. When we do this, the inventory and manufacturing transactions start receiving a warning for the date. In some cases, (RF related) no warning is given and the transaction is not processed. Does anyone have any hints on the best way to accomplish the posting of G/L transactions in a prior period without causing problems with other modules? One thought we had was to change the G/L constants temporarily to allow PBCO postings and then change it back. Has anyone tried this and will it work?
For what it's worth, this is a quote directly for the General Accounting documentation:

"J.D. Edwards recommends that you do not change constants after they have been set up because unpredictable results could occur."

Another thing to consider is any changes to the Constants settings do not take effect until you log out and log back into JD Edwards. This means a user who logs in while PBCO is allowed will have this access as long as that session is active (In our shop some fat clients do not log out for days at a time). Probably better to roll back the period at times when there are fewer users logged in which is what we do here.

Good luck.

there is a KG document which addresses this issue: WFN-00-0085.

Usually the best way I have found is to do it after hours. After everyone
else is off the system then post the earlier batch (After re-opening the
previous period). In a 24X7 shop... we have also just informed the
warehouse (who worked the night shift), not to post anything to the system
for an hour until the G/L was taken care of... just an idea. thanks, Bobby

We have set-up a second library list. The only difference between the new list and the regular list is one additonal library above the normal data library. There are only 5 files in the new library and they are:
F0009, F0010, F0010LA, F0010LB and F0010LC. The accountants are the only ones that have access to this new library. When they need to make entries for a prior period they will change the constants in the special library and then make the entries. In the mean time everyone else has access to the above 5 files in the normal data library and it still has the corrrect dates.