Sales Aged Stock Report


Hi Everyone,

I have been asked to create Sales Aged Report, which will calculate sum of shipped quantity invoiced from Processing option date going back 0(processing option date) - 30, 30 - 60, 60 - 90 days and so on.

Is there any report available which can at least give me start or the logic behind this that how I'll achieve this?

Thanks in Advance!

Kind Regards,

Abdul Mughal
Hi ,

There are few aging reports in Finance . You will find some reports in Menu G03B14.

Hope this will help to you to investigate.


Shahrukh04 <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I have been asked to create Sales Aged Report, which will calculate sum of shipped quantity invoiced from Processing option date going back 0(processing option date) - 30, 30 - 60, 60 - 90 days and so on.

Is there any report available which can at least give me start or the logic behind this that how I'll achieve this?

Thanks in Advance!

Kind Regards,

Abdul Mughal
Thanks Ram,

I have tried the same logic of R03B413A (Open A/R Summary) report. what I have done is that I have created custom section under that report to use the same variable and event rules. The only difference is that where it's doing the amount calculation I have changed it to shipped quantity. For some reason it's not doing the calculation for any period instead it's displaying same shipped quantity in all the column.
I'll try different logics today to see if I can achieve the result.
Thanks anyway

Kind Regards,
