E9.2 Role Sequence - SYSADMIN


I would like to change the role sequence of an existing SYSADMIN role (currently at 1390) at a customer to 10000. However, I've noticed that when I change the sequence number for the SYSADMIN role, the next new role I create in the P0092 uses NN and creates a sequence of 10010. This defeats the purpose of moving the SYSADMIN to 10000 so as to not introduce any future conflicts.

Is it possible to change the sequence on an existing role to the 10000s and have all new roles created using the NN at a number/sequence much lower than 10000? It doesn't appear that I can manipulate this process. Current NN is at 1400. Thoughts?
I believe the role creation program uses the Fetch Highest Sequence Number from the F00926 to return 10 more than the highest number in that table and does not us the next number table for the sequence. Therefore, as you found out, you will always get a new auto generated sequence number higher than the highest one in the table.

You could change the sequence number after the fact for a newly-entered role but I suspect that is what you are trying to avoid.

Maybe there is another way to skin the cat? What is it you are trying to achieve? Generally from what I've seen SYSADMIN is only granted to your CNC administrator(s) but when granted it usually has just about all access, making role conflicts a non-issue. But you might have a specific need?