Question regarding Auditing Best Practices


Active Member
Long story short, we currently have Table Auditing turned on in PY (P9500005 - JDE Table Auditing), and are planning to turn it on in PD (in the near future, it works great by the way). My question is does anyone have any sort of best practices/recommendations for environment refreshes (once we have auditing turned on in PD, but not in VP or DV, how do we do a data refesh from PD to those environments with auditing turned off) !?!?

thanks again in advance,
I found issues with auditing on in the test environments. Actually a good idea to have it on since it does affect performance a little and this should be tested.

However, if you have auditing turned off in the environments you are refreshing to you should have no issue. If you had auditing turned on in those environments you would need to turn it off and then back on afterwards. So in your case it sounds like you are fine.
so, if we have auditing on in PD, refreshing our dev environments without Auditing turned on will be no problem? Hmmmn, i find that hard to believe ....
Sorry I did not mean to sound like it would be easy. It wont be.

I just remember the big show stopper where I was at once and they used the tool was performance on the refresh. I think it was called CFR11 or something back then and it was a while back so this may not apply, but I remember we turned it off during the refresh and on after and that was the solution. Other than that it seemed they did not have major issues.

So I was just trying to offer the good word that if you refresh PY you may want look at that but in DV you should not have to worry about it.

That application is full of issues to deal with and you will find every enviornment has it's own.

Depending on the system (like on the 400) the renaming of the files to the 95 files can cause real issues for hard coding in programs and of course not using ODBC but that's another story.

I'll try not to bother mentioning things if it seems I am over simplifying. Hope things go as smooth as possible.