Problem to build a bar code containing '#' char, in a report


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Problem to build a bar code containing \'#\' char, in a report

Hi List,

In a custom report, i need to create a bar code containing LITM#LOTN.
From JDE documentation (ott-02-0004_How to Design Reports for Printing Bar Codes), if you use a Code 39 font, to get a '#' in the bar code, you need to use '/C' instead.
I made many trials, with many font, and it doesn't work.
If i put 'AAA/CBBB' in my report variable, i get the bar code 'AAA/CBBB' instead of 'AAA#BBB'.
If i put 'AAA#BBB', i get 'AAA*BBB'.
I tried with Code 128 bar code font, and i cannot get '#' neither !!!
Help !!!
(Please, don't tell me to use another char :) cause i cannot !)

Thanks for your help.
Re: Problem to build a bar code containing \'#\' char, in a report

Do you know if the font is loaded into your printer?
Sometimes the problem is not with the report.
You will send some PCL comands to the printer but the printer will not understand them.
If your printer (laser) do not have a memory card, each time you turn off the printer the font is removed from the memory. So you will need to upload it again.
We created a file with the upload command font + the font + the closing command into the printer. So a business function calling the C system function send a command to print this file to the printer. This upload the bar code font. We also create an application in OW that you select the printer and click ok. this fires the BSFN.

Hope this help.