Printer problem


Active Member
I found problem for setup default printer.
1. user Test1 with Role1 is added.
2. Printer1 for Role1 is set as default.
3. Login into the system with Test1 user and select role *ALL - in some UBE i'm trying to print results: printer name is empty
(this is in log - ...FOREIGN_THREAD KNT0000119 - PRTTable_GetDefaultPrinterInfo failed to fi
nd printer: User: USER1 Host: WinClient)
4. Login into the system with Test1 user and select role ROLE1 - in some UBE i'm trying to print results: printer is displayed.
5. I have changed Role1 to *PUBLIC in SY810.F986167
6. Login into the system with Test1 user and select role *ALL - in some UBE i'm trying to print results: printer is displayed.

Why is it work so? And how can I set default printer for group of users?


In E811, you need to have the "Include in *All" check box checked in the role relatioships application. I have no experience with E810, but it is probably the same.

Hope this helps.
Thanks, but this option has already set.
Maybe you have another idea?

How many roles does the user have? If there is more than one, try associating one role at a time and then logging on with *all roles and see if you can find out which roles prevent access to the printer.
I have already tried this variant, but it did't help

If login with *ALL when user has another role with default printer, than default *PUBLIC printer will be chosen (not from other user's role).

I do not have a great deal of experience with roles, but it would appear that role sequencing is being invoked and that the role that uses the default *PUBLIC printer has the priority.
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