PM Schedules


What should be the strategy of populating PM Schedules with last completed dates/ meter readings? Should we define PM schedules first and then enter the last completed readings just before Go live?
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I hate to be oblique, but it depends on what you have to work with. Are you converting PMs from an existing system? Are you converting from a paper system? Are you creating the PMs from scratch?

I've done it three ways, depending upon the client's situation: 1) populate the PM schedules ahead of time, with a projected last completed date for those PMs that will be completed between conversion and go-live; 2) convert PMs just before go-live with actual last completed dates, or 3) populate the schedule date field to have the PM kick out on the day you want it, irrespective of the last completed date.

As for meter readings, Always populate the original meter readings on the Meter readings program and let the system calculate percent due on the first R12807 run. These need to be watched carefully on the first few PM update runs.

Again, the approach you take depends on the what you have to work with.