P4210 & F4211 User Definded Fields


We're trying to get a small mod into the P4210. Added URAT ( User reserved Amount ) to revisions grid and trying to use F4211 edit line pre process to update the field. Some of the columns are getting wiped out with the preprocessor and JDE doesn't support or give work arounds to update the User Defined Fields. Has anyone successfully got this to work and can share how you got it to work.


XE SP18 HP9000 Oracle 8.0.6 , Citrix, NT 4.0 Clients, HTML
Re: P4210 & F4211 User Definded Fields

I had this problem this spring. I had to write my own version of the pre-process function, and comment out calls to the standard BSFN. It was not pretty.

I wish I could tell you something better,

Tim Edwards
Xe 18.1
Re: P4210 & F4211 User Definded Fields

I have done it, changing the F4211 End Document on the Post Button Click on the OK not to run asynchronously, and then
place a while cycle that runs all the grid and place an update to the F4211 with the key fields.
Off course this is not the best way, but it works.
Re: P4210 & F4211 User Definded Fields

Hello Jerry,

I ran into this last week, I had to add the URCD to the grid of the W4210A Sales Order Detail Revisions form.

In this event…
EVENT: Button Clicked

I added this logic…

0128 Get Max Grid Rows(FC Grid, VA frm_mnTRID_GridMax)

0129 VA frm_mnTRID_GridCnt = "0"

0130 While VA frm_mnTRID_GridCnt is less than VA frm_mnTRID_GridMax

0131 Get Grid Row(FC Grid, VA frm_mnTRID_GridCnt)
0132 F4211.Update
GC Order Co [HIDDEN] = TK Order Company (Order Number)
GC Order Number [HIDDEN] = TK Document (Order No, Invoice, etc.)
GC Or Ty [HIDDEN] = TK Order Type
GC Line Number = TK Line Number
GC Blanket Applied -> TK User Reserved Code
0133 VA frm_mnTRID_GridCnt = [VA frm_mnTRID_GridCnt]+1

0134 End While

…this runs through all the Grid Rows and updates the URCD for each one.

I don’t know if this is the best way to do it or if there are some downsides but it seems to work.

Appreciate any feedback anyone might have on doing it this way.


Kevin Courtney
Trident Seafoods Corp.
Re: P4210 & F4211 User Definded Fields

Hi Ronnet and List,

Just an addition to Ronnet's great solution:

The needs, the problem and the solution is general in many application.
- place your update while loop on th grid into the OK Post Button Clicked event after all relevant BSFN calls.
- remove the Asynch execution for all preceding BSFN calls.

That's all.
