No BI publisher output produced after changing the JDE.INI and XDO.CFG


Reputable Poster
We use the embedded BI publisher for E1 for printing checks. Yesterday it failed to create RD output when the write of the check was submitted, and an error was found in the log on the enterprise server.

The error in the log was 'Unable to generate xmlp report. Return code 13'

The circumstances were this. We are putting in place a new report definition and template that will email ACH remittance documents. When testing this in our dev environment, we had inconsistent results. The recommendation from Oracle support was to do two things.

1. change the jde.ini setting for the XMLPVMOPTIONS from 256m to 400m.
2. create a system temp directly on the development enterprise server.
3. change the xdo.cfg file and define a system temp directly.

We made these changes yesterday to our production environment in advance of promoting our changes required for this ACH email project.

When we did this, the next time AP ran a check run, no output was produced. When you went into submitted jobs for the check and chose view RD output, there was no output to view. Then in the logs on the enterprise server, the error was 'Unable to generate xmlp report. Return Code 13.'

I reversed the jde.ini and xdo.cfg changes that I had just made above, and that fixed the problem. Checks were again produced correctly. So either the jde.ini or the xdo.cfg change caused this to fail, when it was not failing in our test environment.

My question is which of these changes is the likely culprit. Could be the jde.ini change related to XMLPVMOPTOINS? or more likely the temp directory? perhaps a permissions issue on the file?
This issue was resolved. The issue was I believe the syntax of the change in the xdo.cfg file. When I reapplied the change correctly, it worked.