New RDA section not appearing


Reputable Poster
Hi list,

We've recently amended one of our Batch Versions of R04573 with one of the amendments being a new custom section. When run locally all the changes appear as expected, but when run on the server the custom section is not there despite all the other changes appearing.

We thought this may have been something to do with the template not being deployed properly or a problem relating to the version overrides, but so far we're stumped!

Does anyone have any ideas?



Xe SP17.1 NT SQL7.0
Hi Tim and List

I have currently had the same issue (?) I created a custum section to call when I wanted a page break, and everything worked locally but after a check in and check out the section is missing and the Report dose no longer perform as expected.
I wonder if it has anything to do with a missing Business View (I didn't attached any). Does a section needs a view?

XE SP20 NT SQL Server
A section does not need a view.

Why not modify the report itself instead of a Version? It will be a nightmare to maintain further down the road.
Wow, I can't even remember posting this question it was so long ago!

I would definitely back up Boris on this one, always try to avoid overriding version specs if you can. I think the original problem I had was due to a legacy from another developer.

Thanks for the info. I can leave that possibility out. I was changing the report not the version. But I still don't have a clue why my section disapperead. Anyway It's working know ( with a businessview attached).

Thanks again
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