Move quantity from Primary to Damaged location


Active Member
We have Primary and Damaged locations.
Case: After Packaged Loading Note is done on the order, it was found that 1 quantity of an item in the order is not in saleable condition.
So we had to move that 1 quantity of the item from Primary to Damaged location.

Normally stocks are only committed from Primary location. Damaged items can normally be found physically at warehouse, however in JDE the products still lie in Primary location. Thus, if Primary stocks are committed in JDE, we cannot move the products out of Primary location because Available products will then not become sufficient due to committed inventory. That is why committed stocks need to be deleted.
So we delete all orders booked with this item, then, transfer 1 quantity of this item from primary to Damaged location and later rebook all the orders.

Recently a lot of deletion requests for committed stock have come and it is becoming very difficult to
delete all orders and rebook them.
Is there any setup where we dont have to delete all committed stock orders? Kindly suggest a work around for this.

Thank you all in adavnce.