Lot Control


Well Known Member
Hi Lists,
The client would not like to use the lot control function. However, the QC department want to record and identify each shipment they purchased in. (they are using the receipt routing and like to have different numbers for even same vendor, same item but been received several times in a day)
Does anyone have comments or possible workarounds will be highly appreciated. Thanks !
John Hsiao, OW Xe, SP19.1
Receipt Routing does keep a record of each individual receipt - even if you have multiple receipts against the same PO line on the same day.

However if the client (QC) wants to keep track of the items received after they have moved into inventory . . . isn't that one of the reasons why we have lot tracking?
Hi Larry,
Thanks for comments.
In fact, QC asked for the sequence number to identify each item per each receipt. They are not for the tracking purpose, they do this for the supplier performance after inspection. Lot number seems pretty fit but other key users from MFG/Dist team do not accept lot control.
The RR process does generate the batch number but two issues concerned:
1. The batch number will not be sequencial
2. Each operation code in RR will generate different batch number but QC wants to have one number thru all codes for one receipt.
Any further ideas ?
John Hsiao, Xe SP19.1
Using Lots makes sense in this scenario. You can leave flag - Inventory Lot creation flag in BP constants checked. This will allow used to create lots. Now allows duplicate lots in system constants. If lots do not serve the purpose - then how about using serial numbers. It is one step further than lots, but can be used in your case.
Hope its helps.