Item Master Created Date


I have an E & O report that I run on our current inventory on hand but I need to exclude items that have been just recently created in the item master. We may have inventory on hand of these items in preparation for an upcoming order so we wouldn't want to consider them excess or obsolete. Is there a date anywhere on the Item Master showing when the item was first created? Thanks for your help. Kate

We are on E1 8.11 SP1 8.97 tool set.
Not sure what you mean by "E & O" but there is no date created field in the Item Master / Item Branch tables.

However, if you pull the earliest entry from the Item Ledger / Cardex table (F4111) with a Document Type (DCT) = "IB" this should reflect the date the item was added to the system.


Other Fast Option is to look in table F4105 for the creation date for the default inventory cost metod for this item.

this is only one record, is the faster option.
Thanks guys! I was looking in the P4111 for the IB records before a certain date but unfortunately have a gazillion! I will try the F4105 now, never thought of that.

E & O is excess and obsolete inventory. I'm just curious how others define their excess or obsolete inventory without knowing which ones might have just been created so showing inventory $$ on hand but no sales or material issue usage against them. Maybe others don't have as many items as we do so they can do a more detailed review....
Off to try the F4105 idea. Thanks again!! Kate
Under 8.9 I don't see a Date Created field in F4105 - just a Last Updated Date. Is this new in 8.12?
Same here, we're on 8.11 SP1 and I don't see a created date on the F4105. I'd love to be wrong though and I'll keep looking. Any other suggestions on how to exclude newly entered items?

Thanks again! Kate
F4111 is good option but could take much longer to process as its a huge file. F4105 could give you wrong report if somebody changes the record the data upd might change to new date.
I think best way is to have trigger on Item master and maintain a temp table which has entry of item no. and date created this can be used even for historic reporting. I used this many time and did not have any problem.

We use category codes on item master and item branch for similar purposes.

We use SRP7 (Sales Reporting Code 7) to hold a "manufacture begin date" as the date setup is complete and production is allowed to begin. This is mostly a hold over from our pre JDE system.

We use SRP8 for a "market intro date" to group items by date and type. For example, NP0801 is products first printed in the Jan 08 Tack catalog, NP0806 would be in the June midyear, and SNP08 is products first printed in the 2008 Supply catalog (NP stands for 'New Product').

Our execs can track product performance by the market intro date and it plays a key role in our forecasting process.

Another way that you might be able to exclude newer items would be to limit your items by short item number (ITM) which increases for each new item. You may want to do a quick look at the end of each month and note the largest ITM in the system. Then you could limit your E&O to exclude items setup in more recent months.

Actually it should take a minimal amount of time to select and fetch 1 row per item/branch from the F4111 - Item Ledger.

Select on the F4111 - Key = Item Number, Branch, Date,
Filter on Document Type = IB.

Do one (1) Fetch. This will be the oldest entry that should be the same as the item creation date.

Simple and quick.
The most 'correct' solution is to view the Audit table F4101Z1 by using the SQL:
select * from proddta.f4101z1 where sztnac = 'A' and szlitm = '&ItemNo'

This will only work though if image processing is activated in all your item master versions.
Yes, Sorry for that mistake, you are right.

In fact I had revised a report we use for a similar pourpose and we did it by looking in the F4111 for the first IB Record.

Sorry again.

Also I'm insterested in the Sef option.

How this table works (I had this option deactivated)

It will add a record in F4101Z1 for any change we made in the F4101?

Is there something similar for the Item Branch?

Won't help for past records but years ago we put JDE table triggers on both the F4101 and F4102 tables to populate the user reserved date fields in those tables with the system date on an insert.

Of could use a true DB trigger as well.

If you figure a decent way to get a date from another table you could use that to populate your current records, your trigger will get all of your new records and this should simplify your reporting needs - since you could also use it in data selection which would be a lot faster then calculate it then suppress, etc.

Have a good day!

Dave Schlieder