How to prevent P4205 from populating SDADDJ

  • Thread starter Christine Palumbo
  • Start date

Christine Palumbo


After much searching I am ready to throw in the towel. We are currently implementing a Pick/Pack solution (with the assistance, or lack of assistance, of DSI). The issue at hand is we are using a version of P4205 to pick lines using a hand held scanner, and while we have used the processing option to not relieve inventory, it is still populating SDADDJ in the F4211. The idea is that after the orders have been picked someone in the office will complete the shipment by running a different version of P4205 at a later date. Unfortunately, if they don't complete the ship confirm process in the same day the order will fall off of, or show up on, our various reports based on Actual Ship Date. Has anyone run into this and found a solution for not populate SDADDJ when running p4205 but not relieving inventory?

Thanks in advance!
Unfourtunatly the SDADDJ field gets populated when you pick however if you do not relieve inventory, the SDSO02 field does not get a "1". This field only populates when you relieve inventory. My shipment reports always look at both the SDADDJ and the SDSO02 field to determine if it is actually shipped vs. just picked.

The SDSO02 field is only visible in the table and not on any screen.
I appreciate the response!

We ended up creating a batch job to remove the date populated in SDADDJ after completing the pick on the handheld. Not the most elegant solution, but it was the best we could come up with.

Thank you again for taking the time to share information.