How to do ER code compare or merge?


I made a copy from an application and made some changes. Another person made another copy from the same application and made some changes too.
Does anybody know if JDE OneWorld 8.0 has tools to compare the two applications? How to compare two different ER directly? If yes, please give the name and detailed info.

Thanks a lot.

You can use Visual ER Compare in your OWM to compare the environment you're in to another environment. What we like to use is Beyond Compare (free download). Print your ER to file in both programs and open them in Beyond Compare to see the code differences side by side.

Is there any way to know what ERs are different between two applications?

Are you talking about two separate applications or the same application in two environments? If it's the latter, Visual ER Compare will show the differences, however, like I said yesterday, give Beyond Compare a shot. Download it at It's more versatile than Visual ER Compare.
I'm talking about two separate applications, from any environments. When you run Compare in EnterpriseOne 8.9, it asks you for the 2nd application to compare, and also for its environment.

But for those of us still running XE or ERP8, it sounds like the Beyond Compare is a good tool.
From master Hunsi (from a post long ago):
If you need to compare the modded object P554210 against the recently ESU'd object P4210 - do the following:

1) Check in P554210 and Promote
2) DFU (or sql) to F9860, rename the P554210 record in F9860 to P554210X (in effect, you have renamed the object and it no longer exists)
3) Check Out P4210
4) Copy P4210 to P554210
5) SAVE the Copied P554210 to the SV environment
6) GET P554210 from the 'Promoted To' Environment
7) ERCompare local specs against the SV environment

I've used the above example hundreds of times - and it works.

Aren't retrofits fun

ps - Hi David, Hi Bill - I hear it is warm in Burbank!

Problem is that ER compare only compares event rules and also for the same object across path codes. That will not help here.

Any other comparison tool available in market will also fail as they would not know anything about PeopleSoft structure. PeopleSoft specs for each object are not stored in separate files so you cant use such tools

Using SQL can probably work, but there are so many tables that hold specs for an object and they are all tied together using the object name, so just changing the name in one table will not help. Also, this method can cause permanent damage to the specs because of manual changes in primary keys. I would rather not change anything propreitery in PeopleSoft.

There is a tool available called BackTuIt, that will be able to help you. It is specifically designed for PeopleSoft Code backups. It extracts all the specs for an object into an XML file. Then you can compare two XML files using any tool. This XML extract has all the event rules plus other design specs including row exits, form exits, fields, grids, labels, forms, sections. So it is a complete extract.

Good luck.

Here is the link for you for any additional information
I can't agree, completely, with your response....

ERC does a darned good job comparing ER across pathcodes, for the same-named object. It cannot be trusted to validate the DataStructure-ID contained within the Event Rules...

You can compare differently named objects, as I have described before, by following these instructions:

From master Hunsi (from a post long ago):
If you need to compare the modded object P554210 against the recently ESU'd object P4210 - do the following:

1) Check in P554210 and Promote
2) DFU (or sql) to F9860, rename the P554210 record in F9860 to P554210X (in effect, you have renamed the object and it no longer exists)
3) Check Out P4210
4) Copy P4210 to P554210
5) SAVE the Copied P554210 to the SV environment
6) GET P554210 from the 'Promoted To' Environment
7) ERCompare local specs against the SV environment

Yes - the process means that you will hide, then copy-over an object... but, it works (if you know how to play source-code-checkers).

I looked over the backtuit documentation - it doesn't state that you can merge code, either from the backups or from other pathcodes. I did not see that you could compare or merge from differently named objects (but then, the text is rather fine).

I would be interested to know

Sorry, I was not able to get back to you right away. We have compared different objects using Backtuit, however, code merge is not available.
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