Have question/problem with pricing


Well Known Member
Hi everyone, it's me again with another question. This time it's about pricing which I have little knowledge of.

We are having trouble getting the right prices for one of our customers. I've got a call into JDE, but so far they have not been able to help me. Here is our situtation:

Our pricing preference hierarchy is:

1 - Item Number & Ship to Address number
2 - Item Number & Ship to Customer Group
3 - Item Number & Sold to Address number
4 - Item Number & Sold to Customer Group
5 - Item Number & all Addresses

We have a price set up for a specific item for a specific customer with an effective date of 9/01/03 and expiration date of 12/31/2010,
but we do not have a price set up for the item/customer groups for this particular item.

We have a base price set up for the item.

In the customer's billing instructions, the adjustment schedule is "BASE", but there is no pricing group. This customer is a "Bill-direct" customer. He has no "children" and his parent number is the same as his customer number.

When we enter a sales order for this customer, we get the base pricing for that item, not the customer's pricing. What are we doing wrong?

Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. We are having this same problem with other customers as well
Dont know what is causing the issue. But have you tried using Check Price and avialability screen to check the price of the particular item for that customer. You can do lot of things on that screen. Apply adjustment schedules, use different dates.

Also in sales order entry on the item line you can use option 11 to get to the adjustment schedule and pick up the price you want (I am not sure about his but 11 do takes you to adjustment schedule screen).



Senior Consultant
M&D Information Systems
847 477 0812

Thanks for your tips! I completely forgot about the price & avail. search. Anyway, a very knowledgeable consultant at JDE was able to help me figure out what we did wrong. It was so simple, I felt stupid. We had the wrong UOM in the customer's pricing for that item. I probably would have figured that out had I checked the price & avail. search. But I'll remember this the next time.

Thanks again.
