guide for logical structure of a new company setup in JDEE1


Hi all

I am starting to setup a new company in JDEE1. I have downloaded a lot of implementation guides starting from Financial Management, General Accounting, Account Payable, Receivable etc. What I am not being able to find in this guides is the logical structure of a new company when you start to setup it.
So I need some documentation to provide me information to answer some simple questions like why I need business units in my company, which is the difference of the balance sheet business unit with other business units, what is mandatory for a company and which are the restrictions of it(meaning in which case I can setup with two different companies and in which case I can solve my problems with business units) etc.

So I need some documentation which describes the logical structure of the company, so in order for me to apply it according the specific company requirements that I have.

You posted something similar a little while ago. You received a reply that still applies, in my mind.

If you have no experience in setting up a company, bring in a seasoned finacials consultant.
Hi Stats

This is different information that I require and I will make you an example to make more clear what information I am seeking.
In EBS before starting any setup like creating a new company it explains you the hierarchical structure so at the beginning is the organization, than is the GRE Legal Entity (set of books which in 11g is composed of calendar, base currency and COA), .... until the inventory unit.
So I was looking for some similar information even in JD Edwards, because I am not being able to understand which is the difference between BS business unit and other business unit(like IS, Simple etc).
Why I need more than one BU, when I can add other segments in flex format setup of the account.
How many segments can I add in flex format setup (the maximum) etc etc
So I am looking this kind of information.

Thank you and best regards