Get IP Number


Are There any Bsf for my to Get the Ip Number of the Computer Client ?Running Web Model
Check the JDE API "jdeGetHostAddr", an example:
/** Find ip address **/
hostAddress = jdeGetHostAddr(NULL);

Hi Ferdinando ,

"Well alloborated issue", isn't it?
Please, read your initial post - and please do qualify yourself it.

How can anybody help you??? - after without required information?

We are here to help each other. But if the initial poster do not help us - making possible to help her/him, then no chance to help you.


Ok. Sorry We are running a Web Application on JDE OneWorld E900, and we want to get the IP number of the PC connected to JDE Server, This IP will Be used for we know wich machine done the operation in the system. We do not want to know the user id, we want to know the computer ip.
Sorry. We are Running a Web Application with JDE Edwards OneWorld E900 and we want to know witch was the computer that done the transaction on JDE Server. We Want to Get IP Address from the Computer client for we save this information on table for other process. Are There any Form ? I viewd many BSF but only work Fat and not Web.
we want to know witch was the computer that done the transaction on JDE Server.

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We Want to Get IP Address from the Computer client

[/ QUOTE ]

Which is it? If you want the Enterprise server IP address then that is certainly possible either by using the api mentioned by a previous poster (I have not tried it so I can only assume that it will work) or by using OS specific API (I don't think this would be part of standard ANSI C).

If you want the IP address of the end user client host running the application, then that might not be available to you w/o some sort of embedded Javascript hack.

I understand what you want - you want an audit trail based on the client workstation rather than the user name. Unfortunately Oracle/JDE provides no standard solution for obtaining that information (it has been requested though).
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