Failed to get event defintion for event RTPROUT


Active Member

this error always log in Jde_9512.log

9512/9564 WRK:AKOZAR_015EC008_P17730 Thu Dec 29
Failed to get event defintion for event RTPROUT. Please check is event definition correct?

just wondering how to fix this error?

Thanks a lot.

JDE 8.97

If your not using Real-Time Events (RTE) then you can disable them.

Here's how I disabled it using my version/tools release (you can find the appropriate reference in the newer documentation for your release)

1. Determine the RTE event errors found in call object kernel log inside SAW Enterprise. Look for "Failed to get event definition for event XXXXXX. Please check if event definition correct?"

2. From the solutions explorer, open P90701A (Event Definition Workbench).

3. Click on Find and see if the event XXXXXX is already present, if not add the event. Use the "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Real-Time Events 8.12 Implementation Guide" in adding the necessary fields.

4. From the Form Exit bar (Click on Preferences >> Exit Bar menu if hidden) click on the "Event Activation".

5. Click on Find and see if the event XXXXXX is already present, if not add the event. On the environment use the J prefix environment e.g. JPD812.

6. After adding, click on Find again to refresh the grid. On the Event Status make sure it's "NA", if not Use the Row Exit bar to change status.

7. Restart the JDE Service to effect the changes.

Hope this helps.
Additional MyOracle Support reference document guide ID#1071943.1 (for 8.11, 8.12, 9.0)