EnterpriseOne 8.9 (ERP 9)


Active Member
Is anyone live on EnterpriseOne 8.9 ? Have few questions about EO 8.9.

- Is unicode implementation is an option or is it built-in feature.
- If I have custom NER/C-Business Functions, will these be available as a part of upgrade or i have to key-in again.
- I have read the documentation for EO8.9 and somewhere I read that around 65% of DB has been changed. How this changes affect the custom application. I have around 200 custom reports. Will they function normally as they are in Xe or Have to fix each of them.

Thank you in advance.

1. Unicode is built into the middleware. There is no option here.

2. If you have custom code - then an upgrade will certainly bring that code into the new version. However, it is likely that custom versions might not work well since templates change between the versions - and it is adviseable to acquire hard copies of these (just like every upgrade)

3. It depends ! Most of the database changes are moving to Unicode - which will not necessitate any change to your custom reports. A lot of tables have new columns - again, which will not change any query logic - however, if primary keys and unique keys change, then any UPDATING code will certainly need to be looked at.

Hope that helps.

By the way - I'm not sure if anyone actually LIVE on EO 8.9 just yet. The first few live sites will also be those with the smallest number of modifications - and as vanilla as possible, and probably those that purchased EO 8.9 rather than an upgrade.

We have a copy of EnterpriseOne 8.9 in-house now. I attended an Upgrades 8.9 class last week in Denver.

As Jon said, Unicode isn't an option, except for your Business Data and Control Tables. And you can convert these on an environment-by-environment basis if you wish.

As far as custom objects go, PeopleSoft upgrades follow defined modification rules. Any custom objects (e.g. system code 55 - 59) will come over -- just be sure to set the merge codes on these objects appropriately. Customizations to PeopleSoft APPLICATIONS (FDA objects and their associated ER) do NOT come across during spec merge, but the new FDA tool has a VERY cool Visual Compare that lets you copy controls and associated ER over from your old objects to the new objects.

Definitely, even for custom objects, you will want to test them thoroughly to make sure they still function as designed, especially with the numerous database changes.

One more add-on.

Custom 'C' BSFN's will require work on your part due to the UniCode changes. PSFT has a conversion tool to help but it is not guaranteed 100%.

Hi guys (Larry/Don/Jon)

Thanx for your great input guys. I came to know about C BSFN and that was the reason i posted it. I have one more sub-question....!!!

What will happen to Custom Versions. First of all Versions for standard apps. like P4210 or R42565 etc. Secondly, Versions for Custom application. I think (I read it somewhere) there was some problem with Version while upgrading. But not sure....Can anyone throw some light on that topic.

Thanx again....


Per the JDE Upgrade guide, here are the rules for versions:

- For XJDE versions, nothing carries forward -- JDE owns specs and PO data.
- For ZJDE versions, specs do not carry forward, PO data changes DO carry forward.
- All other custom versions should have PO data and specs carried forward.
Stress the _should_

however - in reality, if the data structure or po template changes, then its likely to screw up your custom versions as well.

I would strongly recommend auditing your versions - this is as simple as running with coversheets for batch versions - and screen dumps for interactive versions, then making sure they match up after the upgrade.

I do this as a matter of course - it takes a few extra hours, and some nasty blisters from keyboard entering - but its better than losing all your valuable data selections and processing options.

Point well made and well taken. When we upgraded to XE, we found some processing option templates which had new data items added, and the custom versions' processing option values did NOT always carry forward correctly. Sometimes one value got "shuffled" into the next data item. So definitely, document all your version information!
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