Enterprise B732


I've had to rebuild a new enterprise server and I can get jdenet_n to start running, however jdenet_k does not come up, and that seems to take the rest of the processes down after only a few minutes.

I ran a porttest on the box and it returned this error:
Initialization of Environment failed-rcode=0
I noticed there weren't any JDE processes running, so I restarted the processes again and re ran the porttest and it just sits there, it doesn't seem to want to complete.

I've updated the JDE.INI file to reference the new box, as well as done a search on the new box for any references to the old box.

Any thoughts/ideas/suggestions? At this point the discussion has turned to attempting to get support from Peoplesoft, but I'd like to exhaust all ideas before we 'punt'.

Thanks in advance.
This is a print out from one of the logs. Though they all say pretty much the same thing:
13310 Fri Feb 13 14:34:48 2004 jdeksec566
SEC0000002 - Unable to connect to security server testent
Running OneWorld with user's signon and password
This may or may not work depending on the databases' security.

13310 Fri Feb 13 14:34:48 2004 jdb_ctl1954
JDB1100015 - Failed to complete Security check

Though I believe this is a symptom and not the cause.

One of the jde_debug logs contains this error:
Feb 13 13:45:44 ** 2516 msgrcv failed with errno 35.

There are multiple debug logs but they all have the same error.
These messages are general.
I had the same symptoms before; to cut the hassle I reinstalled the enterprise.
Clear the installation plan information from DEPSRVR DB then run the plan and reinstall ENTSRVR.