E810; HTML; Lost the "File" buttons

Frosty the Coder

Legendary Poster
E810; HTML; Lost the \"File\" buttons

I have a custom find/browse that shows the FILE buttons
(OK, Find, Cancel, New Format, Display Errors, About)
when run locally, non-HTML.

When run in HTML either locally or on the server, these buttons don't show.
Only the icons for ROW EXITS and TOOLS are shown.

Looking at the form in design mode, all are "display on toolbar" and non disabled.

Other forms w/in the appl display properly.

Any thoughts are appreciated.


Re: E810; HTML; Lost the \"File\" buttons

My first thought is: Time for a full build. When was the last time you've had one? Update packages are notorious for corrupting the specs after a while.
Re: E810; HTML; Lost the \"File\" buttons

Found it!
W/in design, the FORM hypercontrol was in between "Find" and "Cancel" on the file exits.

When I deleted/readded FORM, the FILE exits came back.

After readding it, I was unable to drag it back into the FILE exits....

