E810 Hanging - Checkout (OMW), Save (RDA)



I'm having a problem with E810. When I check out UBEs the client just hangs. Same thing happens when I save after changing ER.

I used filemon to capture what was happening and it seems that the first time there is a request to WRITE to the local gbrspec.ddb the process hangs. There are no further write to the filemon log for about 6 minutes, then everything catches up.

The next time through is usually fine. After a reboot, we're back to start.

Anyone seen this before? Any ideas?

E810, Oracle 9i, AIX, Client is XP.


this seems to be a recurring theme with XP....try this if at all possible, disable antivirus protection(disable file system real time protection) when checking out objects.....also may want to disable system restore or download SP2, supposedly that will take care of if the hang time .....

good luck
Not sure why the blame gets called on XP - but, I think the resolution
is not XP.

Check the recent threads (last two months)... someone posted the same
issue with OMW Check-ins, and there was a resolution (just not sure
what it was).

I worked with another consultant on an 8.10 upgrade - the other
consultant had no issues checking in/out - and they were using XP....


Dear kavehm,

I am doing development on XE SP22. I have been having a recurring problem on my development PC since we installed SP22. The problem is that I will have a UBE checked out and working on it. Then, all of a sudden it just hangs. I have to start Task Manager and end the oexplore.exe process. After that it will no longer check out and it just hangs.
The only way I can fix it is to copy the following files from the deployment server DV spec environment to my client DV spec environment:
DSTMPL (.ddb & .xdb)
GBRLINK (.ddb & .xdb)
GBRSPEC (.ddb & .xdb)
RDASPEC (.ddb & .xdb)
RDATEXT (.ddb & .xdb)

I keep everything checked in except for the UBE I am working on. If not I would lose any changes when copying to my PC from the deployment server.

This may not be your problem but is similiar.

Good Luck.

kavehm <[email protected]> wrote:
this seems to be a recurring theme with XP....try this if at all possible, disable antivirus protection(disable file system real time protection) when checking out objects.....also may want to disable system restore or download SP2, supposedly that will take care of if the hang time .....

good luck
Yes Kavehm is right, simply disable the Window XP systems restore option and you will be all good.
system restore should only affect packages and, occasionally, jiti.

It shouldn't affect Checkins/out - since those are database issues.


On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 18:35:02 -0600, naveed_rahim55

Does it damage the report in any way. I had this problem XE on a fat client and had to re-build the whole pc. Seemed to be hardware related?
....is it just the very first checkout/checkin of the day that is problematic, or is the problem happening every time a checkout/checkin is attempted?
Once it hangs the only way to get it checked out again is to copy the previously stated spec files.

kavehm <[email protected]> wrote:....is it just the very first checkout/checkin of the day that is problematic, or is the problem happening every time a checkout/checkin is attempted?
Excluding the E810 directory fron the 'On-Access' scan had a major effect on the check in/out issue. GBRSPEC was getting hammered every time!

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