E1 in Panel



VIP Member
I'm working on a project where a third party app starts a browser with two Panels. The left is their app and the right is supposed to start E1, so they will run side-by-side.

Internet explorer will not go past the E1 log-on screen. Chrome will go all the way to the E1 menus, but no apps will start. It just spins the Opening Application green dot.

I suspect there's a security issue here, but does anyone know for sure? How can I get E1 to run in a two panel browser (not tabs)?

Hi Darren,

Can you define what a "panel" is? Is it an iFrame embedded in the browser?
Hi Darren,

Sorry to hear that you are having some issues - Is there any chance you could send me a screen print of the issue. Could you also elaborate on the 'Panel' not tabs part. I am not on the same wavelength.

All the best,
Yeah, I should have written Frame. Sorry, dumb mistake.

It turns out this is a security issue. Here's the setup. I'm running a web page with two FRAMES. In this example I have a calendar on the left frame and E1 in the right frame.

Click to SEE!

In IE, an attempt to sign into E1 will fail to get past choosing an environment. It falls straight back to the Sign In screen.

Chrome will go all the way to the menu, but no app will run.

Bringing up Developer Tools reveals Oracle's protection:

Click to SEE!

Unless the initiating page matches Domain and Port, you cannot reference E1 in a frame.

Getting OUT of E1 to another site is no problem. Here's a Message Box with my old site in a simple iFrame:

Click to SEE!

So, who knows how to get around this problem?
IE probably perceives what E1 is doing as a cross domain scripting attempt and deleting the cookie, hence the redirect back to the login page. If you look at Server Manager, you might still see an idle session from the first login.

I don't think there is a way around this (i.e. if the domain/port of the master page does not match that of E1). Let us know if you find a solution ... it will interesting.
There are two things comming to my mind:
- implement this using E1 pages
- Create third index page, split it into two columns and use IFRAMES instead of frames. This way it will be one browser window from end user point of view but it will be split into two separate urls so JDE should not be confused and load what it's asked to do.