Data Selection Not Working in Tabular Report


I am working with a Tabular Report that has 8 detail sections and a summary section with several lines. All but two of the lines tie out to the detail.

Does Section Level selection cancel out row level selection or do they work in conjunction?

In debug, how do I know what row of the report section I am processing? I see that it is section 10, but row number = 0. Why I ask is that it appears that the DS is not working at all and is grabbing data unrelated to it.

Any suggestions or comments are appreciated.
One method is to turn on the jdedebug log prior to running your report. You can review the SQL statement in the jde log to see if the SQL matches what you expect.

Also, you could post the jdedebug.log to the forum so that we can see what your data selection look like.
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