Dailight Saving Time (DTS) problem

Bob The Builder

After changes the DST in Europe (2 weeks ago) the scheduler did not change its time. So all jobs run 1 hour earlier. I looked everywhere for a solution, but did not find any. Restarted the scheduler service multiple times, even restarted the JDE service, but nothings seems to help.

Version: JDE 8.93_I2, windows 2003.

Does anyone have an fix for this?
Check the time zone in the processing options for the Scheduler App and verify you have the correct POs setup.

As I understand it, when you enter the scheduler job the time is permanently entered as an offset from GMT. If your DST rules change after you initially enter the jobs or if you change your time zone in the scheduler application, you will need to re-enter the jobs to get the correct GMT offset. This happened to us when the US changed the DST rules several years ago.
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