Custom Upgrade 8.11


We are in the XE enviroment.We have customs developments for sales force automation using hand held devices. We are planning an upgrade to 8.11 and we need to know what tables changed so as to retrofit our development in 8.11.
Our custom development reads JDE tables and writes custom tables for de hand held, so my problem is that I have about 200 table convertions reading tables like: F4001, F4201, F4211, F42004, F03B11, F4070, F4071, F4201, F42019, F4201, F0901, F0101, F0116...
Can any one help me pointing where to find information about net changes in tables??

Thank a lot!!!

OneWold Xe SP23_L1
AS400 with Citrix
Try the following URL. You will need to be Knowledge Garden sign in rights though.

japena <[email protected]> wrote:
We are in the XE enviroment.We have customs developments for sales force automation using hand held devices. We are planning an upgrade to 8.11 and we need to know what tables changed so as to retrofit our development in 8.11.
Our custom development reads JDE tables and writes custom tables for de hand held, so my problem is that I have about 200 table convertions reading tables like: F4001, F4201, F4211, F42004, F03B11, F4070, F4071, F4201, F42019, F4201, F0901, F0101, F0116...
Can any one help me pointing where to find information about net changes in tables??

Thank a lot!!!

OneWold Xe SP23_L1
AS400 with Citrix
Jose Alirio Peña Soporte Tècnico B.F.G.P. Ingenieros, C.A.
Hi José,

You will find that information on the E811 upgrade manual.
It lists all of the table conversions.

Saludos, Sebastian Sajaroff