Consuming a .NET Print engine Service using E1 BSSV Business Services



Legendary Poster
Consuming a .NET Web Service using E1 BSSV Business Services

Hi folks

As part of a new development we have going on, I need to get E1 to consume a .NET web service (print engine).
I think the printers will be printers in a warehouse that will spit out pretty labels for boxes. At the moment .NET code wakes the engine up.
But this whole step now needs to be invoked from within E1 too.

Has anyone here ever done this?
i.e Used an E1 web service to wake up a print engine in .NET or any .NET Web Service

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Since you are on Unix, you can use curl to call the web service and invoke curl from E1 using a business function. If you want deeper error handling, you need to use BSSV or a third-party product (like ours).
So this .net print services takes data request and then prints it to a given printer?
So this .net print services takes data request and then prints it to a given printer?

Bingo. That's exactly what it does. I'm just trying to see how to tap into a .NET service. Doesn't have to be a print engine, it could be anything as I'm sure the principle is the same.

If I can't get this wokring, another idea a mate had is to construct a URL with the data appended on the end and launch the URL (.NET service) that way
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Got it. BSSV consumer primarily works with WSDL(xml) but there's some who have gotten it to work with REST (json).

Assuming you don't have to POST any data to the webservice your mate's idea would also work.
Thanks, yeah I 'think' need a feedback response back from the service. (in terms of intergrity of the data etc). So a BSSV will be my option.

If anyone has any examples of a BSSV calling a .NET service, that would be great :)
If anyone has any examples of a BSSV calling a .NET service, that would be great

It is using WSDL/SOAP, it should not be any different form calling any web service using that protocol (i.e. there is nothing so alien about .NET that you need a specific example that deals with .NET).
It is using WSDL/SOAP, it should not be any different form calling any web service using that protocol (i.e. there is nothing so alien about .NET that you need a specific example that deals with .NET).

Ah ok cool. I wouldn't know as I've not done it before, but I guess that makes sense now I think of it. Thanks
Great thanks again folks.

So the gist of this seems to be, create a J method and a VO and then get a C BSFN to call the web service J method. The C BSFn can then be called from inside E1. Is that essentially it?
I don't need a JP method or anything like that?

I believe so. Never done a consumer bssv myself but what you've described seems correct.
I believe so. Never done a consumer bssv myself but what you've described seems correct.


[C BSFN] ----(vo xml payload)---->[BSSV]----(xml/json payload)---->[SOAP or REST External Webservice]

[SOAP or REST External Webservice]----(xml/json payload)---->[BSSV]----(vo xml payload)---->[C BSFN]

[C BSFN] ----(vo xml payload)---->[BSSV]----(xml/json payload)---->[SOAP or REST External Webservice]

[SOAP or REST External Webservice]----(xml/json payload)---->[BSSV]----(vo xml payload)---->[C BSFN]

Awesome, thanks lads. I'm all over this :)

I did a consumer BSSV from VB. You can use a proxy client (if you use UserNameToken Secury this post you can help or use Bypass as System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback) or use 'HttpWebResponse' and 'WebRequest' (System.Net Library).

If you need consume external WS from JDE, BOster are right. but in your case, you need consume bssv out of jde.
