Company name on menus



Active Member
Has anyone else had this issue: We have purchased another company and we want to set them up with their own JDE Environment, but we want the company name at the top of the menus to be different between the two environments. As of right now, the buying company's name is at the top of the menus for both environments - how do we correct this?

Bob Cagle
JDE 7.3 cum 11
Hi Bob,
Company name at the top of menus is extracted from data item #MENUTTL. If
you share data dictionary for all environments that will be hard to do.
However, if not sharing DD you may change the alpha description of the data
item #MENUTTL in each environment to the desired company name.
Hope that helps,

Emad Banoub
Sr. Systems Engineer
Pasadena, CA
A7.3 CU 12/X3 - Xe U2 SP16.1 Coexistence

Krusador <[email protected]> on 04/12/2002 09:42:30 AM
The new environment will need it's own data dictionary master file. (F9200 &
Change data item #MENUTTL to whatever you want for the new company name.

I think you are looking at changing the Data Dictionary value for what you are looking at. Go to G90 (or type DD) and inquire on #MENUTTL. Change the Alpha Desc to the new company name.

The file is F9203 / Element #Menuttl typically part of the common library.

To have two independent naming conventions in the Menu Title. You would need to copy/create a duplicate common library for the new company. Create a environment with the new common libary. Access this environment and modify DD/#MENUTTL. All users for company # 2 must then reside within the new environment to have the new name at the top of their menus.

Or Create a Library and copy the F9203 into it. Build a new environment with the library containing the alternate F9203 ahead of the normal common library.

A8.1 C2