Chart of Accounts - Account Descriptions


Say we have account structure like this: BU.ACCOUNT.RESERVE
Each of these account combinations has their own descriptions. So when we try to update the explanation of say an account code (the second segment), we have to go through every single combination and change its description!

Wonder if there is any way to define descriptions with EACH INDIVIDUAL SEGMENT rather than with the whole combination, so that we only have to change the description of a certain segment each time, and all combinations containing this segment value will have their descriptions updated automatically? Alternatively, can the description of an account combination be formed by simply concatenating the descriptions of the various segments?

Or have I missed any setup functions that already cater for this? Sorry I am a newcomer...

There is a global update to change the Description for Acct.Sub, R09813 can update the account description in addition to other fields.

However if you truly have unique descriptions for each account I would say the best way to update them is to inquire on the account in Accounts by Object (P0901), highlight a row and take the row exit for Account by Object.
From this grid form you can export the description field into Excel. Use excel to find and replace the old part of the description.
Finally copy the modified description back onto the grid by copying the new descriptions from Excel and then clicking on the description cell in the first row of the JDE gird and pressing Ctrl-V. Then click OK
This should replace the old descriptions with the new.

Hope this helps
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