calling external web site on grid column


Active Member
We have a requirement to call external web site when user click any grid row field.

For Example:

We have application, we display invoice # records in the grid. Now client has ask us to provide hyper link on Invoice #, when user click any invoice # it should open external web site and pass the invoice # with link.

Anyone has any idea how to do this in JDE 9.

Thanks & Regards
Potentially 2 ways to do this. I'll describe the customization method.

1. Change properties on grid column to make column cells clickable.
2. In Grid Column clicked event add your code to construct URL string and then open new browser window to your external web site using "Go To URL" System Function.

Pretty simple.
Thank you very much Lary Jones for your quick reply.

I am not sure how to technically do it since I am new with JDE Oneworld.

Your help is really appreciated.
That thread was my rescue. But to make it easier to find. After you enable the "Clickable" Option in Grid Column Properties, you find that System Function under Control.

Regards, and thanks for that info.