C Function To Stop JDE Systen Completion Email Messages



I am are trying to turn off the Jde_System email completion messages on certain applications.

Below is what was in document ott-00-0032
Q4 – Is it possible to disable the UBE completion messages within the system
A4 – It is not possible to do this on a global basis for all UBE reports. It is possible to do it on a report-by-report basis. The steps for disabling the completion messages for an individual report are the following:
1. Create a C BSFN that calls "BOOL ubeReport_DisableSendMessage(LPBHVRCOM pBhvrCom)"
2. Hook up this C BSFN anywhere in the report.
This will disable the messaging each time you run that particular report.

Has anyone created this C function and does it work?

Thank You

Paul Matino
CNC Administrator
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