Branch plant and data maintenance



We're currently moving from World 7.3 to E One 8.12. A typical stucture for our company is a manufacturing center with several external warehouses. Before we had one single Branch/Plant for the all structure and customized the system to get advice notes when we do an IT from the factory to a warehouse. To avoid this cutomization in EOne, we set up every warehouse as a different Branch Plant so that we use transfer orders for interstore despatches.
This new structure makes data maintenance very difficult as items must be set up in all B/P with relevant stock type, planning codes and costs...
Could you share your views on this if your familiar with this situation.

When there is a great quantity of branch plants, a customization of P41015
- Item duplication is done. The alternative is to have a custom UBE
populate the inventory interoperability files and process all the records

Guy Robert
Try R41826. This program allows 10 branch plants to be designated for copy, and provides several options for the specific data to be copied, depending on your business needs.
Thanks for the tips,

as far as I understand it so far P41015 calls R41826 so we are talking about the same here. I agree with you these programs are very useful but Guy is right I think they need to be customized anyway...

I would like to have the "one button" option when an item is created in my factory as manufactured with relevant cost, to be copied across my warehouses as Purchased with relevant planning codes... so I think that is to be customized... again...

It's a pity because for example the system has the B/P relationship in P3403T, so the sytem knows who supplies to who so I thought at some point the copy to B/P program would rely on these figures, but it does not.

Thanks for your help anyway, it confirms I haven't missed anything. Regards.