E9.2 Associate Menu and Security

Felipe Vidal

Active Member

I have a menu structure, but I want the users to be able to see only certain folders. How would I set that up?

E.g. my menu is:
  • JDE
    • Finance → should only be seen by a Finance role.
      • Finance Reports
      • JE Entries
    • Master Data → should only be seen by both Finance & Master Data roles.
      • Item Branch → should only be seen by Master Data role.
      • Costing → should only be seen by Finance role.
Today we can use Security to prevent users from accessing apps, but the intention is to hide the entire folder & show only the ones relevant for them.

Is there a way to achieve?
Yes, it's called Menu Filtering and can be done via Active Console on the role level.
By simplifying menus and eliminating unnecessary options, menu restructuring can improve user experience and productivity. This can be part of role-based access control, whereby each role will have specific menu access permissions that align with the necessary business processes. For instance, the Finance role can be set to only view the Finance folder and its subfolders like Finance Reports and Costing.

We look to help you simplify menu structures in a way that boosts UX without having maintenance issues in the long run.