BOM Issue Type Conversion


We are trying to estimate the effort it would take to change issue types within the BOMs for our entire product line. Currently we use an issue type of 'U' for everything, but we're looking to control which items get preflushed at a paypoint, issue type 'P', using R31410 to prevent them from issuing a second time with Super Backflush (P31123). Does anyone know of a batch program to change Issue Types for an entire BOM at a time? If so, can you please point me to the White Paper? I've looked on Peoplesoft's website with no luck.

Thanks in advance!

We use SQL as well - It might be helpful if you list the version oerating system etc of what you are running - someone may have another way
SQL will probably be the route we take. However, it was mentioned that there may be a UBE that would update the BOMs. I really don't see how that's possible, but wanted to inquire before using SQL to update. Thanks for the input!