B9801000 - Disable JDE Users


Active Member
Hi.. I'm trying to disable JDE users in a custom JDE Report (I'm using OW XE) but I found that the BSFN that does this (B9801000) can only run in local mode, in interactive applications (at least that's what my CNC told me).
Is there any way to use this BSFN in the server? Maybe another version of the BSFN that someone made..

I am also trying to find the code in C that disables the user but I get to a line in the BSFN like this one:

" lpMaintainStatus = (LPFNStatus) GetProcAddress(hLibrary, ("_jdeMaintainSecurity@64"));

Where can I find the code for jdeMaintainSecurity@64?
is it available to developers?

thanks a lot!!

You cannot get the source for that API function (unless you are an employee of Oracle :-D )

If you just want to prevent a user from logging in, you can probably just table-io the F98OWSEC record for the user to set EUSER to 'disabled' (02).

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