B3000890.c file for EnterpriseOne 9.0


Active Member
Can anyone send me the B3000890.c file for EnterpriseOne 9.0? We are currently running EnterpriseOne 8.12 and have an issue with this particular business function. Basically, the BOM where used application doesn’t properly consider effective dates. Oracle has identified the issue (SAR 8951642) and resolved it 9.0, but they won’t send us the code. They also are reluctant to fix it in 8.12 since it’s already fixed in 9.0. I’m obviously not the first one to be frustrated with this ridiculous support, so I’m reaching out the JDE community for help. If someone can just send me the .c file, then I can just do a visual compare, extract what I need, retro-fit it, and move on. My personal email is [email protected].


If you have a current support agreement - you might consider downloading an ESU that matches your system's updates.

There are a lot of things that could go wrong copying functions back and forth between organizations. You may end up with a copy that is less/more current than what's on your system - thus, some baffling data corruption.

Alternately - you can compare against what is in your Pristine Environment?

Hi kip,
I fixed this in 8.12.

Try this in your code

int IB3000890_ValidateRecord(LPDSD300089A lpDS ,
LPF3002 lpdsColArray)

if ( (jdeStrcmp((JCHAR *)(lpdsColArray->ixlnty) ,(JCHAR *)(_J("T")))!=0)
((lpdsColArray->ixcoby == _J(' '))||
(lpdsColArray->ixcoby == _J('\0')))
(MathCompare(&lpdsColArray->ixsbnt ,&mnZero)==0)
* XXXX - MF7459 - BRUNO CONDEMI - 07/04/2010 - BEGIN
(((DateDifference(&lpDS->jdAsOfDate,&lpdsColArray->ixefff)<=0 ) &&
(DateDifference(&lpDS->jdAsOfDate,&lpdsColArray->ixefft)>=0 ) &&
(!IsJDEDATENull(&lpDS->jdAsOfDate))) ||
( IsJDEDATENull(&lpDS->jdAsOfDate)))
* XXXX0461 - MF7459 - BRUNO CONDEMI - 07/04/2010 - END
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