Attach to OEXPLORE.exe process from Web Application


Active Member
Does anyone know if it is possible to attach to the OEXPLORE.exe running process on a users pc from a WEB application?

we would like to be able to bring up applications in Enterprise One by attaching to the running process oexplore.exe on a users PC instead of having to either pop up a log-on screen and have them start another session or using a general log-on and lose auditing.

I am looking for the same functionality that you do when attaching to OEXPLORE.exe from the C++ debugger.

Here is a possible alternative, I don't know whether it will be suitable for you or not but here goes.

Why not use a .jde file. If Oexplore.exe is running it will start the application, if Oexplore is not running it will start Oexplore, giving the signon screen then automatically open the application once the user has signed in. The .jde file type will be defined when installing JDE/PSE1. I have never tried opening a .jde file from a web page. If you look at this alternative, let me know how it goes.

A .jde file is a text file. The example below will start Address Book Revisions (P01012 veraion ZJDE0001) in standard JDE/PSE1 menus. Its contents are:


That's my AUD 0.02. I hope it is of use.
I'm a bit confused. Can you elaborate on what you're trying to accomplish? You want a user to be able to start E1 locally while they run a web app?
I want to attach to the OEXPLORE.EXE process that is already running on my client from a Web Page. We have external Process' that are done through a Web interface. I want to attach to the process and go to a specific application passing parameters. I want to do this using the user process that is already running or if it is not running then pop up the logon screen. I want to take my user directly to say P4210 with the order # up.
This looks like it may work. Is there a way to pass in paramters such as an Order Number and Order Type to P4210?
Thanks for all the help. I found the additional information I was looking for on a thread from Jan 04 posted by Larry_Jones. It explains how to pass in parameters. :D
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