
  1. E9.2 Refresh Grid

    Hello Community, I have a form (Headerless Detail Form) where, from my code, I make a change to a field in a row and this change should be updated in a control. However, the control is not updated immediately after the change, but rather when the line is changed. This is my code: Get Max Grid...
  2. E9.2 Put a grid on a Fix/Inspect form

    Hi. I'm developing an application with a Fix/Inspect form that call an orchestration and shows static info and values from that orchestration. Now I need to put more orchestration values but in a grid format. Is there some way to put a grid on it? Or do I need to change the form type that I'm...
  3. E9.2 How to set add limit to only one row in Headerless Detail (or more)

    Hi guys, this is more about a tutorial than a question. I'm based in a recent problem I had and this discussion: ("Don\'t Display a blank row in Headerless") 1) This is for you who wants a Headerless...
  4. E9.2 FDA: how to populate the Record Number in GRID based on last record number

    Hi, I have an app with (Find/browse) form , this will list the data when clicked on FIND, one of the grid columns is the Serial number(grid row/record number). Now when i click on ADD button in the FIND/BROWSE form, it will call the FIX/INSPECT form and in this new form i want my serial number...
  5. E9.2 Duplicate Effective Dates In Grid

    Grid looks like : Line ID Item Effective From Effective Thru 1 101 6/1/2020 7/14/2020 2 101 7/10/2020 12/31/2040 3 102 6/1/2020 7/14/2020...
  6. Mike Mackinnon

    Search Multiple Columns in Table - Best/Fastest Method?

    I am looking at doing a search through a custom table that has multiple fields for an item number. Example table fields: Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4, Item5, Item6, Quantity, Location, etc. I want to return ALL records that have an item number in any of the "item fields". Currently I have DD...
  7. adamodar

    Find works only once

    Hello All, I am seeing an unexplainable behaviour with a custom object. When you do a find, it works the first time. From second time onwards, no records are displayed on the grid. This is environment specific i.e., same spec works properly in PYB but causes issues in DV and PY. The "find...
  8. Unable to copy single value from Grid(Simple header less detail form)

    Hi, It might be silly question or abnormal behavior for this application . I have simple application which is not allowing to copy value from Grid . It has order number unit and item number . Able to copy only order number from editable grid but unable to copy other two . Its...
  9. Olavo Henrique Dias

    How to enable the Customize Grid option on 9.2 ?

    I've managed to install the E1 9.2 Standalone, but I'm unable to get the Customize Grid option. Where can I turn it on?
  10. Call a screen from another in Form Design Aid

    Hi. I would like to call a screen(P5543001 - Find Browse) from P5543002(Fix-Inspect)to fill a field in P5543002 using the selected row from P5543001. I tried using the Form Interconection( to call the P5543001 screen), when Visual Assist is clicked, but I don't know how to return the selected...
  11. bakerzoid

    Standalone 9.1 install on Windows 8.1. Header/Grid not visible when progam launched

    Hi Folks, Loaded Standalone 9.1 on Windows 8.1. No issues logging into JDE. In Solutions Explore, I ran UTB on several tables and data appears in the tables. I went to "Tools" and launched the Enterprise One Menu which displayed as it should. Went to Fast Path and attempted to launch P0010 -...
  12. Auto-populate Grid Column Field

    Hi All, I am new to interactive application development and would like to ask if there is any way to do the following: Key in a value in one grid column and the the value auto populates into another grid column after some calculations when he/she press tab to the next column. Appreciate if...
  13. How simply sort a grid by any column in a bus view Find/Browse

    Hi All I want to do is re-sort a grid using an alternate column in the business view attached to my grid. Let's say the grid is sorted by column 1 from my business view V55MYFILE. I want to re-sort by column 2. So in the Find button event rules, I used 1) Clear Sequence (FC GRid) 2) Set...
  14. Sorting grid by calculated variable in my Find/Browse

    Hi, everyone how to sort a grid by a variable when I read my grid in Find/Browse. while I calculte the variable in my SENTENCE WHILE if I finish now I want to sort the data in descending order by variable.