Xe to 8.10 sizing question



Reputable Poster
For those that have done the Xe to 8.10 upgrade, what have you seen as far as an increase in DB storage and deployment server storage?

The company that I am at is running Oracle 9i for the DB and only plan on converting the code over to unicode. Business data will not be converted over.

Any help will greatly be appreciated.

When we did our original research, by the way we are Xe - Oracle 9i, we got
the very strong feeing that you possible could have issues with not having
you Business data converted over to Unicode. You should at least allow for
double your current size.


I am not familiar with the 9i DB, but 8.10's code is twice as big as Xe. The system code has to be upgraded to Unicode - where (in an Upgrade) the business data is optional (A new install has you go to Unicode immediately).

As a note - Unicode does double your disk, but does help with performance.

On the deployment server - Each path code is about 4GB (not including the package directory - since each full is 3-4Gb by themselves). The rest of the directories (excluding PY, PD & DV) add up to about 8Gb - or over 100,000 files).

Compare that against your current setup to see the difference. Just note that the packages will quickly add up.

Your DB is going to feel the impact, and from what I have heard - almost everyone upgrading to 8.* from Xe has had to include disk in their upgrade and a possible hardware upgrade to at stay within a 5-10% performance hit.

Hope this helps,

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