Waiting For Security Server


Every week or so we have this problem where all of our users that are trying to connect get "Waiting For Security Server". It's like we are completely locked up. Yesterday, I ended up having to stop services (which took over half an hour). This is downtime I can't afford.

We are running iSeries 570 with v5r3. We recently upgraded from XE to 8.10 with Tools 8.94B. Our users (around 250 concurrent) connect via Citrix.

Check your logs for the security kernel. If possible post them.

I'll try to bite my tongue on actually being on a "B" one-off of any tools release to simply say....check the security kernel logs, and if you don't, try autostarting 2 of them. Also, ensure that your "max number of kernels" isn't being reached, may need to bump that value up as well.

I checked with our iSeries guru, and the logging was set to *NOLIST on job desc NETJOBD. We've changed this to *SECLVL so next time we start services this will take affect.

Question: (Please pardon my ignorance) How can we autostart these? Oracle has told us that the only way is to start and stop services.

I've attached our server jde.ini. Is there anything in there that we can configure better?



  • 89010-JDE.INI.txt
    8.8 KB · Views: 94
you´ve got plenty of Security Kernels configured, shouldn´t be the problem.


However, I noticed that your security server´s name is


with a lower-case 'i'. What does your 'hostname' command return (that is: what does your host think it´s name is)? Should be lower case as well.

Hope this helps. Gerd
Thanks for the reponse Gerd. Sorry, I modified the host name before I sent the file. It's actually all in upper case.

Seems the problem with our security server is that we are only seeing 2 autostart. On Monday when we locked up there were only 2, so no new ones had started. When I restarted services there were only two again. We've got our logging set so I hope this weekend when we restart services we can get a clue what is happening.
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