User Security


Does JDE OneWorld security allow users to be assigned to more than one group/system role without having multiple logins?
No it doesn't allow for multiple groups to be assigned to one ID but you =
could combine those security groups into a new group for those users.

Carrie Ricotta
Project Manager/Senior Consultant
M&D Information Systems, Inc.
775-719-9912 Fax
----- Original Message -----=20
From: ershar=20
To: [email protected]=20
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:23 AM
Subject: User Security

Does JDE OneWorld security allow users to be assigned to more than one =
group/system role without having multiple logins?
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M&D Information Systems, Inc.
I thought with EO 8.9 that you could have multiple roles with one sign on. Am I misinformed?

Let me clarify my statement. With XE a user can be in only one group. As for roles, those aren't really groups and that is a gray area for me since we don't use roles. We have always found groups to be adequate to our needs.
Hi Patty

Roles are the Solution Explorer equivilent of Custom Menus. In EO8.9, you can assign multiple roles (think multiple custom menus) to a user. Behind the scenes, the user's security group still needs to have access to the applications and reports that appear on their menu (role) in order to do anything useful. If you follow the all doors shut approach to security (now the recommended model), you set up security with *public NO for everything then you create security groups to grant the applications back to the group. You create a custom menu if working with the OneWorld interface, or create a Role if working with the Solution Explorer interface to cut down the clutter of applications that the user does not have access to. There is a common misconception that menus (roles) are the same as security. They are not the same. Hope this helps clear things up.

Gregg Larkin
Praxair, Inc.
North American PeopleSoft
Enterprise One System Administrator and Security Officer
Hi all,

Why JDE didn’t allow one ID belongs to multiple groups? Any valuable reason?

Thank you.

Best regards,

In XE and previous versions, security is a system table crossing all platforms. In XE, Solution Explorer roles are not tied to security. They are just a way of managing the menus that a user sees when they log on. In EO 8.9, groups go away. Security is associated with roles. A user can hold multiple roles and hold different roles in different environments. You can also define a ranking of roles for a user in case there is a conflict in the security access of the user. I haven't played with this yet, so I'm just quoting from the EO 8.9 manuals. Sounds like security management just got more complicated....

Gregg Larkin
Praxair, Inc.
North American PeopleSoft
Enterprise One System Administrator and Security Officer
If you want to assign a user to multiple groups, you will need a piece of software called QSoftware QBuild. We use it here at Plexus and it works very well.

Also, currently in XE, it is possible to have multiple "Roles" (Custom menus in Solution Explorer) assigned to you.
Hi Dan

We took a look at Qbuild too. It looks cool but we couldn't justify the pricetag for an enterprise license.

Gregg Larkin
Praxair, Inc.
North American PeopleSoft
Enterprise One System Administrator and Security Dude
Hi Dan,

We had interest in using it for both our North American servers and our new servers for China. The headcount for a peruser license put the pricetag in the stratusphere. An enterprise licence would have been more economical, but was not cost justifiable for a mature JDE installation. China is just getting started. They just switched over from World to OneWorld and have quite a ways to go to fully define security.

Gregg Larkin
Praxair, Inc.
North American PeopleSoft
Enterprise One System Administrator and Security God
We are using QBuild also. If you are performing all-door-closed security with consultants, the software can quickly pay for itself (albeit the software is very expensive).
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