Upgrade from 8.12 to 9.1

Parag K


Can anyone please help for the steps to follow the upgrade from 8.12 to 9.1?

Can we use same existing database Oracle 10g for new JDE 9.1? if not then what we need to take care to upgrade database as well...which version of DB is compatible and okay for JDE 9.1 version


You will want to start with the My Oracle Support Page. They have a myriad of resources and documents that will answer your questions. Some examples of items to review...
- Certifications Tab will tell you what pieces of software are supported in 9.1
- Knowledge Tab >> get Proactive >> Jd Edwards will walk your through Upgrade Steps (including certifications), from each of the versions

Upgrades from release to release are no simple task. I would not go it alone if I were you. My other recommendation is to use a parallel environment if able. You will be running conversions on tables in 8.12 data to get to 9.1 and can't convert back once it is done.
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