Upgrade E1 8.11 SP1 to 9.1, DB2 to SQL Server


We are planning on upgrading our E1 Application from 8.11 SP1 to 9.0 and changing database platforms from iSeries DB2 to SQL Server. Due to the large expense of consulting services we are forced to do the upgrade ourselves. Since we are changing hardware platforms I am approaching this as a fresh installation with data transfer and conversion. I am fairly new to E1 but a coworker on the project has a greater understanding. I have been outlining the installation guide and the process seems fairly straightforward. Has anyone else attempted this type of upgrade in house? Any tips?
My best tip is "if you plan on doing the upgrade yourself then you hired the wrong partner".

What is the cost difference between the expense of hiring a partner vs. the expense and loss of revenue to the business if things go wrong?

At a bare minimum you should consult with a partner on the planning process.

Also you should attend a "100 Day Upgrade Workshop". See www.upgradejde.com. There is much more here than you may think and reading through the manual and giving yourself a pep talk ain't gonna cut it.

Not only will you be learning the system but also inventing your methodology on the fly.

I've seen these before and things usually don't go well.

If time is on your side and the company does not have better things for you to do then by all means do this yourself but either way their is a cost here.

I agree with cdawes's feedback.

We recently migrated from AS/400 to MS SQL 2008 R2 database. That task itself was monumental but you are doing a double upgrade, going from an older JDE release AND the database.

My recommendation: don't do it together unless you have the help of a very seasoned CNC who has done this sort of thing.

In our case, we migrated from AS/400 logic and batch to Windows platform, then, almost two years later, we just now migrated to MSSQL. We waited this long for internal, business reasons but the point is to do this in stages.

I can't emphasize enough to get external help for this process. It is not a slam dunk process that you can read from the book and follow steps step by step :)

best of luck. If you have specific questions, feel free to PM me.

I will echo the other comments and highly encourage getting help.

We are in the process of upgrading from JDE Xe on AS400/DB2 to 9.1 on Windows/SQL. We found that the difficulty in our upgrade is not the JDE pieces, but the add on packages and custom code in our environment. Without very experienced/knowledgeable consultants to handle the JDE piece, we would not have the time to handle the more difficult custom work.
Make Sure (make VERY SURE) that yo are using the latest iSeries CAW - when converting legacy data to ANYWHERE. If you don't have the most-recent code-pages, you run the risk of any 'special character' becoming an empty block in your text.

There are more nuggets, than you can learn on your own. As others have stated - consider connecting with someone that is very familiar with the processes!

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