Trying to create a Read Only user for 811


Moved from wrong forum.

Hi all,

I am trying to create a user that has access to view everything but not able to write to any tables.

so far I have a AS400 ID of JDEVIEW and that has a group profile of READONLY. READONLY is setup as follows:
*Change access to SEUSY811/F9312, /F98OWSEC, /F986110, /F986113

I have a JDE User that has the "System User" as JDEVIEW

On a fat client I am able to log in and look at everything and as expected when I make a change it does not allow it and the jde.log says "unable to update file" etc which is what I want to see!

Unfortunatly, when I log into the JAS/HTML client I am still able to add records and if I do a find I am getting the following error "An SQL exception occurred: [SQL0551] Not authorized to object JDBJ799 in SEUPYDTA type *PGM.." I have looked and I have USE on that object.

does the JAS/HTML not use the system user from JDE to access the AS400?

Am I missing something really obvious?

8.11 on AS400
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