Transform migration from Create Forms


Hi All, We are in the process of upgrading JDE from 8.0 to 9.2. For forms (and other reports processing, like emailing simple PDF) we've bought Transform 7.0 designer. We have a huge learning curve as Transform is a completely different product than Create form Designer and Director we currently use (and the help files are not much help either). Main issue we are struggling with at the moment is sorting of R42565 - we have 2 details sections combined into 1 for form creation purpose and that one section can't be sorted as we want using document structure change. They recommended sorting the pdf before it hits the Transform server, which is a solution we can implement. However, my issue is that Transform should be the greatest form solution and what was (very easily) doable in old Create form designer, somewhat is a big deal/not possible in this package. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Similar issue with A/P checks

Hi All, We are in the process of upgrading JDE from 8.0 to 9.2. For forms (and other reports processing, like emailing simple PDF) we've bought Transform 7.0 designer. We have a huge learning curve as Transform is a completely different product than Create form Designer and Director we currently use (and the help files are not much help either). Main issue we are struggling with at the moment is sorting of R42565 - we have 2 details sections combined into 1 for form creation purpose and that one section can't be sorted as we want using document structure change. They recommended sorting the pdf before it hits the Transform server, which is a solution we can implement. However, my issue is that Transform should be the greatest form solution and what was (very easily) doable in old Create form designer, somewhat is a big deal/not possible in this package. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

We had the need to sort and group the A/P checks to separate out those checks requiring a manual signature with those that can have a pre-printed signature. It's very easy to do with the sort elements object
First we load the A/P check detail from the PDF into a bag and then use the sort elements object to do the sort.
Larry, thank you for your response. I was looking at the sort elements object, but couldn't make it work. I am not even sure if I use it in the correct spot.
Documentation doesn't give you much of guidance and we are against approaching deadline. Is there anything you recommend we could review to make it easier? I will appreciate any tips, we are experienced with CF but Transform is nothing like it...Thanks again!
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