Tips/Traps - Financial SmartFields


Legendary Poster
Smart Fields - They save our lives, and they create havoc if we do any Customizations in the ER!

Recently I reminded myself "Not" to use the 'Edit Smartfield' option, within a Financial UBE.

I have a client that uses Processing Options to determine which Financial Function, to use within a SmartField. Initially, they created the Financial SmartField as a PA, then plugged in Event Rules to flip that PA to Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, YA ... based on a Processing Option. This allows them a great deal of flexibility (they don't have to have a dozen different reports, they just change the Processing Option).

The client was adjusting the data selection (changing the Company) through the option to Edit SmartField.... and broke the column. After making the adjustment, only the PA value would appear, regardless of what Processing Option they chose to use.

Looking at the raw Event Rules - E1 had appended a new PA Financial Function to the bottom of the ER (gophigure???). Removing the E1 Appended line, resolved the issue.

So - here's the work around:
Adjust the Column Data Selection from Columns Tab of the RDA Tool, and do not use the Edit SmartField. Select the Section, Select the COLUMN tab across the top of RDA, Go down to the Row signifying the Data Selection - and change the Data Selection, THERE(not from Edit Smart-field)


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