SQL user id's required for JDE


VIP Member
SQL user id\'s required for JDE

Hi List,

The SQL scripts for JDE have you create a whole lot of users. Now all the owner id's make sense. But there are some other users id's which are not needed I think.

They are


Can I delete these SQL ID's safeley cause I dont see where they are used. And they have complete access to the database. I need to to clean them up for the SOX requirement. Any people out there on SQL databases that have deleted these id's with out any problems..

Thanks in advance
Re: SQL user id\'s required for JDE

For the most part, yep, you can get rid of these. I'd probably disable them first, but the one's in your list probably are not being used as security users. CNCADMIN, perhaps, but again, probably not.

Re: SQL user id\'s required for JDE

Thanks for your reply Jim.

No am not using any of these users as a system user in 98OWSEC. All the more reason I need to get rid of them coz I cant justify why they are there.
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